End to End Services

Modern eDiscovery Playbook
A consistent and organized process across matters ensures better outcomes and helps protect you from errors, data loss, and sanctions.
Our consultants keep up-to-date on innovative technologies and develop modern playbooks and workflows that are practical, improve efficiencies, and align with your particular needs. Prism can help you:
- Create defensible workflows across all stages of the EDRM
- Establish consistent and efficient processes for outside counsel
- Develop a strategic process for early case strategy and meet and confer negotiations

Discovery Scoping + Negotiation
Discovery disputes are increasing exponentially. Having the right experts on your team, sound processes in place, and the most effective metrics are critical to getting the outcome you want.
Prism offers unmatched expertise in discovery scoping and leverages the Evidence Optix® Proportionality Discovery Assessment framework to help you:
- Negotiate reasonable and proportional discovery plans
- Evaluate estimated discovery spend
- Provide documentation and metrics to the court to support disputes

Early Case Strategy
The first 100 days of a matter are critical. Getting your house in order quickly helps you evaluate the fact pattern, issue proper legal holds, prepare for the meet and confer, and pinpoint key evidence — all of which can lead to cost containment downstream.
Prism consultants leverage innovative workflows to give you the power to:
- Defensibly reduce custodians under hold and eliminate redundant or non-relevant data sources
- Quickly understand the story the data tells and target relevant content
- Gain intelligence to determine whether to settle or proceed

Search Term Optimization +
Data Minimization
Many overlook the art of data minimization and crafting search terms. This can lead to mistakes that may not be realized until it is too late. Using advanced information retrieval theory and standardized workflows, Prism can help optimize search term strategies with our unique narrative analysis approach to improve retrieval rates and increase levels of recall and precision.
Additionally, at each stage of the EDRM, we utilize powerful methods to reduce the volume of data moving downstream to the more expensive phases of eDiscovery.
These innovative methods can defensibly reduce the time needed for review from months to days.

Intelligent Data Collection
With the explosion of data volumes and emerging data sources, the “collect everything, filter later” mentality is no longer a viable option. Prism’s approach guides you to the most relevant data faster and with more precision — before collection begins.
We incorporate leading search- and index-in-place technologies to rapidly assess and collect targeted data. Prism deploys innovative solutions to remotely capture most data sources quickly, with minimal employee disruption.
The battle against data volumes doesn’t end at production — our workflows include critical disposition plans so you aren’t saddled with unnecessary data in future cases.

Review Strategy + Management
Document review is the longest and costliest component of the discovery process. Prism experts can optimize and speed review time using machine learning, data mining, and statistical sampling. We are well-versed in a variety of applications that focus attorney review on highly relevant content. Our consulting team provides training, management, and productivity monitoring throughout the process.
Prism works seamlessly with your case team and can provide oversight of service providers and managed review teams. We take this task off your plate so you can concentrate on the merits of the case.
Always aligned with your goals, we improve process and eDiscovery results at every turn.
Call us today for a free consultation.